Illustrasjonen viser en dame og ett barn står på badet foran en vask. Damen og barnet tar sammen på barnets munn. En snakkeboble fra damen og det vises en dame med blå skjorte på.
Activity plan

Activity plan for category "In the bathroom"

We're in the bathroom several times a day, so this is an activity that repeats itself frequently throughout the week. This means there are often repetitions of tactile signs

What must the activity contain in order for it to be carried out?

The activity takes place in the bathroom. We need:

Access to a sink


Cup/bowl to fill with water

Objectives of the activity:
Play and use the hands in the water.

Working method/activity

We hope this activity will encourage the child to become more curious with their hands and take more initiative when it comes to playing with water and inviting adults to join in the water play.

We'll head to the bathroom together and prepare for the activity by talking about water play and the water itself.

Feel the tap together with the child, hand over hand. Turn the water on gently (remember to check the temperature first). Let the child explore the stream of water while you guide with your hands on top of theirs. Fill the sink with a little water and put a stopper in it. You can play with the water by splashing, filling cups, or pouring water.

Wash and rinse hands under the stream of water or in the water in the sink.

Finish by saying it's finished playing with water. Drain the water and dry hands.

Eventually, you can add things to the water or use soap/dye to make it more exciting.

Suggestions for tactile signs that can be used with the activity plan.

Files to download -blank activity plan