
This is the activities collection page

Preparatory activities

These activities can be done before you start with tactile signs, but also along the way. In order for the person to experience the meaning of using their hands to communicate with, it is important to start with something that is meaningful, and something the person understands. For some, it can be challenging to use their hands with tactile signs, then preparatory activities can be useful to get used to this. Repetition help to make the activities recognizable and to develop a greater understanding and meaning of what this entails.

Tips for motion songs and songs with sign
Movement songs and rhymes are a great activity to help both the child and the adult become accustomed to using their hands together.
Tips for tactile activities
It is important to provide a varied range of tactile experiences for both children and adults who are beginning to learn sign language in tactile mode.

Activity plans

Here you will find ideas for what an activity plan for each category might look like. These activity plans are different, and have taken different starting points in terms of facilitation and needs. Underneath each activity plan is a blank copy that you can print out to write your own activity plan.

An activity plan structures an activity so that you know which tactile signs to focus on and use. This can be shared with others, and also use it to evaluate.

Examples of conversation with tactile signs

Illustrasjonen viser en mann og ett barn. Mannen har på seg en caps, skjorte og jakke. Barnet har på seg en caps og jakke. Mannen holder rundt barnet.
Illustrasjonen viser en mann og ett barn. Mannen har på seg en caps, skjorte og jakke. Barnet har på seg en caps og jakke. Mannen holder rundt barnet.
Examples of conversation within categories
Here are examples of a tactile conversation within the different character categories