Illustrasjonen viser en dame og ett barn står foran kjøleskapet i butikken. Inne i kjøleskapet er det forskjellige varer
Activity plan

Activity plan for the category "In store"

The shop can be an exciting place to be. Here, you can find lots to talk about.

In order for us to do this activity, we need:

  • Ensure everything is in place in the cloakroom (jacket, hat, gloves, and shoes)
  • Shopping bags
  • A secluded place to sit and prepare for the outing

Objectives of the activity:
Go shopping at the store

Working method/activity

The child will go shopping at the store with their teacher to buy lunch toppings.

The activity begins with the child being prepared to dress properly with a jacket, gloves, hat, and shoes, and then proceed to the "store" for shopping. Find a quiet place or a room where you can sit together and discuss the day's plan. Sit across from the child and use tactile signs.

Then, go to the cloakroom and put on your clothes and shoes. Upon arrival at the store, use tactile signs to indicate that you are at the store to buy "liver pate" and "cheddar cheese".

Retrieve the items together, let the child feel them, and use tactile signs while shopping. When it's time to pay, the child can help put the items on the checkout counter with you. Upon returning to school, the child can help put the items in the refrigerator. Discuss together that you are done with shopping and what you have accomplished.

Suggestions for tactile signs that can be used with the activity plan.

Downloadable files - blank activity plan