Illustrasjonen viser at det er tre barn i rommet sammen med en voksen. Barna leker med ulike leker. i en dukkekrok. Den voksne er sammen med det ene barnet som triller en dukke vogn. De holder på dukkevognen sammen.
Activity plan

Activity plan for category "Activities"

Various activities take place both in the nursery and at school. This activity plan is based on play in a doll corner.

What must the activity contain in order for it to be carried out?

As preparation for this activity, it's important that the child has had the opportunity to practice this type of play with an adult over time. The child should be familiar with what "play in the doll corner" entails.

The activity takes place in the doll corner at the nursery. It's important to have two other children who also participate in the activity. Check that there are enough dolls for all three, that there are doll clothes and toy cups/plates available. It's also important to ensure that you can play undisturbed there for at least an hour.

Objectives of the activity:

Allow the child to participate in pretend play.

Working method/activity

Bring all three children to the doll corner. Lay out three dolls and doll clothes. Comment along the way using your voice and tactile signs when necessary. For example: "Does little sister need a diaper change? It's cold outside, maybe we should put on mittens?"

If the play is moving slowly, you as the adult can bring out cups and pretend to drink coffee. Feel free to use familiar names like mum, dad, big brother, and big sister for the roles the children play.

Let the children take the lead, but if the play starts to stall, take the initiative as the adult and join in the play. You are an important support.

Suggestions for tactile signs that can be used with the activity plan.

Files to download - blank activity plan