Illustrasjonen viser en jente som har på seg votter og holder i en snøball inne i ett rom. Foran jenta så står en kiste med snø.
Activity plan

Activity plan for the category "Seasons"

We experience different seasons, and we feel them on our bodies. This theme can be interesting to explore and focus on.

What must the activity contain in order for it to be carried out?

All children and adults have their designated spots during the morning assembly to provide organization and security. In each morning assembly, it's important to include tactile elements so that all children can fully participate in the community. The spots and all materials needed for the morning assembly must be in place before the students arrive.

Here's what needs to be arranged:

  • Place all the cushions for the children to sit on, on the floor.
  • Have all the materials needed for the morning assembly ready and place them next to each child's spot.
  • Ensure that tactile symbols representing the days of the week are available.

Objectives of the activity:
To participate in the morning assembly using their tactile sense.

Working method/activity

We begin by preparing the student for what's to come, using tactile signs and voice. igTactile signs we start with include you, I, morning assembly, together, sit, and go inside.

When we enter the classroom, we proceed to our seats. The student enters first, and the adult comments with voice and tactile signs which other students are coming in and shows them which direction to sit by using hands alongside the student. Materials are placed beside each child. We always start the morning with the same song, "Good Morning Everyone."

Materials we use this month include:

  • Weather: What's the weather like today? If it's raining, we have a tub of water. If it's snowing, we have a tub of snow. If it's windy, we use a small fan and ensure there's a socket nearby. If it's sunny, we bring a torch or use heat elements bought from XXL. Tactile signs used in connection with the weather: snow, rain, water, wind, and sun.
  • What day is it today? Here, we use tactile symbols representing the days, and who will be with us in different sessions. The child has their own plan with tactile symbols for the week. Tactile signs include weekdays and names.
  • The morning assembly concludes with a set song. We demonstrate with signs and voice that the morning assembly is over, and then we sing the closing song. If we choose a song where all the names are sung in turn as they leave, it can be helpful for students with challenges to go first with two other students to avoid too much auditory noise when sitting.

Suggestions for tactile signs that can be used with the plan

Downloadable files - blank activity plan

Hvis man trenger å lese mer om hva taktile symboler er og hvordan de kan brukes