Activity plan

Activity plan for the category "My body and me"

To enhance the child's body awareness, movement songs can be a good idea.

What must the activity contain in order for it to be carried out?

Familiarize yourself with the tactile signs you will use for this activity so that you can use them effectively. Prepare everything that needs to be in the room before the activity begins to avoid unnecessary interruptions.

To carry out this activity, you will need:

  • A room with minimal auditory and visual distractions.
  • Mats on the floor.
  • Pillows for support.

Objectives of the activity:
To increase the child's body awareness by touching and naming various body parts using tactile signs

Working method/activity

For this activity, we use two movement songs, meaning there are set movements to accompany the songs being sung.

We always begin the activity by informing the child what we are going to do. We do this using both our voice and tactile signs, such as "you", "I", "together", and "song time". This is repeated several times.

Once we are comfortably situated on the mat, and the child is settled, we commence the song time. We may start by repeating that now it's time for "song time".

It's beneficial to repeat each song three times and take breaks along the way to allow the child the opportunity to take the lead. We can vary the tempo, either singing very slowly or very quickly. If the child wishes to continue the activity, we're happy to repeat it several times. This gives the child the chance to use their hands in communication with others.

Feel free to use tactile signs such as "song time", "you", "me", "together" multiple times throughout. When the activity is finished, it's helpful to use the tactile sign for "finished" and "song time" again.

Song lyrics

  • Head, shoulder, knee and toe,knee
    and toe
    Head, shoulder, knee and toe,knee
    and toe
    Eyes, ears, cheeks to clap upon
    Head, shoulder, knee and toe, knee and toe

  • Thumb, thumb where are you?

    Here I am, here I am, good day, good day, good day.

    (Sing one verse for each finger while touching the finger it's sung about)

    Final verse:

    Whole hand, whole hand, where are you? Here I am, here I am, good day, good day, good day

Suggestions for tactile signs that can be used for this activity plan.

Downloadable Files - Blank Activity Plan